L.E.D. 設計師與皮革展商聯乘計劃



L.E.D.項目為設計師提供了一個獨特的機會,利用頂尖製革商提供的皮革來創造時尚產品。 更重要的是,設計師將有機會在即將舉行的亞太區皮革展上發佈他們的特別版手袋。



L.E.D. Project designers will enjoy commercial exposure in the APLF Leather and Fashion Access fairs.

六款 APLF 版手袋將在 2024 年 APLF 香港亞太區皮革展上發佈。

Who can be

Who can be

Here comes the final matching of Exhibitor X Designer. The pairs will connect to unleash the extraordinary craftsmanship under the use of finest leather.

winners / participants

Top school graduates nominated by affiliated design schools

Designer brands seeking global exposure

Start-up brands selected by APLF Consultants

LED 計劃 2024 – 合作陣容

The LED Project 2024 is supported by the Federation Francaise Tannerie Megisserie. All leathers used in the project are sponsored by APLF’s French tanners. Discover the APLF Edition Handbags under the LED project at APLF 2024, Hong Kong, on 19-21 March 2024.

Here comes the final matching of Exhibitor X Designer. The pairs will connect to unleash the extraordinary craftsmanship under the use of finest leather.

Alran X Fundao

Fundao Baesakul

Fundao的創辦人Yinyin在時裝界經驗豐富。出於對時尚的熱情,她在泰國國立法政大學(Thammasat University)銀行和金融系畢業後,便全身投入時尚界,先後在米蘭多莫斯設計學院(Domus Academy Milano)深造時尚管理,並在義大利的 Arsutoria Milano 修讀手袋製作課程。在創立自己的設計師品牌前,她曾加入Prada 和 MM6 Maison Atie Margiela 等知名品牌工作。


Arnal X 31 Thanwa

Boonyanuch Vittayasamrit



Kae 出生於工匠世家,家族自1952 年起就在泰國開設鞋廠。從泰國朱拉隆功大學(Chulalongkorn University)建築學院畢業後,Kae便創立31 Thanwa品牌,延伸家族70多年的製鞋企業,以質量和工藝為核心,發揮年輕一代的創意與無限可能。

點擊此處 查看設計師的社交媒體帳號。

Averpeaux X Yussico

Yusuf Osman

Yusuf Osman is a craftsman, designer, educator and a leading advocate for sustainable leather use. He is the founder of YUSSICO and his practice invites you to rediscover the world through the lens of craft and its power to revolutionise the relationship we have with ourself, with each other and the natural world. 

After qualifying as a solicitor, Yusuf’s quest for a meaningful life led him to a workshop in Tetbury in England, where his passion for leather began. What started out as a quest for perfecting the craft has become a journey that transcends the crafted object to understand what it means to be human and in doing so uncovering the threads that connect us all.

Bodin-Joyeux X Xotique

Jiratchaya Winyoopradist


XOTIQUE 品牌於 2015 年由 Jiratchaya Winyoopradist和丈夫 Ard-Ong Winyoopradist(泰國最大的手袋廠之一 Suvino Bag Factory 的擁有人)創立。 儘管Jiratchaya從沒修讀設計,但對手袋設計卻有一股掩蓋不了的熱情,夢想打造一個與眾不同的品牌。 憑藉著高度精細的生產技術,XOTIQUE使用最優質的皮革和非凡工藝,無縫結合多種不同類型的材料,設計實用且適合日常的手袋。

點擊此處 查看設計師的社交媒體帳號。

Haas X Lunne

Sasithorn Premchit



Lunné 的設計師Sasithorn Premchit 來自充滿活力的曼谷。32歲的她已經成為一位傑出的時尚設計師,而當中一個重要的里程碑,就是獲得諾丁漢特倫特大學(Nottingham Trent University)國際時尚管理碩士學位。她的時尚之旅基礎紮實,畢業於朱拉隆功大學(Chulalongkorn University)時裝和紡織品設計學院。在成立品牌前,她將設計專業知識奉獻給曼谷領先的時尚零售商,其才華和遠見塑造了這座城市的時尚格局。 如今作為 Lunné 背後的力量,她繼續突破創造力和風格的界限。

點擊此處 查看設計師的社交媒體帳號。

Hiriar X Nasha

Nasha Mekraksavanich

Nasha 的創作完美結合了她在亞洲修讀建築室內設計的背景,以及在義大利馬蘭戈尼學院(Istituto Marangoni)擔任配飾設計師的經驗,將兩種文化融合成獨特、堅定和自信的女性配飾。 Nasha Made-in-Mars的每件設計都能激發人們的好奇心,引人注目,存在感極強,注定在所有場合都能成為焦點。


Remy Carriat X Warp

Hirra Babar

Warp 由年輕的行銷、技術和設計愛好者 Hirra Babar 於 2016 年創立。 Hirra 在巴基斯坦拉合爾出生長大,是一名經濟和商科畢業生,在獲得 MBA 學位後,她決定創立一個融合設計、技術和工藝的品牌。她從小就對工藝設計產生濃厚興趣,但從未在學習上以此為方向,對於她,設計是閒暇時的一種宣洩方式。她喜歡旅行、結識新朋友和探索不同文化,其創意設計過程受到抽象主義的啟發。



Designers submit applications for L.E.D. Project.

Applications will be screened by L.E.D. Project Selection Committee.

Approved designers submit their leather goods designs, with leather preferences.

APLF selects a partner exhibitor or tannery for each participating designer, based on the designer’s material choices and product designs.

APLF connects designers with the chosen partner exhibitors, who then coordinate with regard to leather styles, designs, quantities, etc.

Designers produce their prototypes and display these at APLF Dubai in March 2023.

Contact us for any inquiries.​
Email: [email protected]


  1. Each designer will make ONE finished leather goods.
  2. Designer will select ONE supplier to work with. Each supplier will sponsor materials to at least ONE designer.
  3. Suppliers will display ONE piece of material at APLF ASEAN. The material will be kept by APLF and used by designers directly. The actual size of the sponsored material will be large enough for designer to produce a leather good (for example a handbag).
  4. Upon negotiation with material sponsors, designers may be offered discretionary sponsor of other types of materials. The same material in a different colour will be counted as one type.
  5. Supplier has the final right to decide the type and quantity of materials provided to each designer.
  6. APLF has the final right to the matching of suppliers and designers.
  7. The copyright of the final product will be owned by the designer. APLF Ltd and participating suppliers of LED Project also have the right to use the collaboration for marketing and promotional purposes.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



我們主辦多個專注時尚及生活潮流的商貿展覽會, 為這不斷變化的行業,提供最全面的買家及參展商服務,方便他們了解急速轉變的行業環境,並預測來季趨勢。

