29 September 2023

Leather Working Group - Report from the Global Fashion Summit

Ending planned obsolescence and focusing on timeless design to avoid needing to address the ghosts of bad decisions past in your closet, was a strong theme of the Global Fashion Summit in Boston today.

Another inspirational day, with some sometimes uncomfortable discussions about the need for the fashion industry to reconsider the current business model of perpetual growth, and rather look at solutions that will see us ultimately producing less, through designing products from the outset with the intent of longevity, fully integrating resale programs, and using innovative tools such as AI to address over production.

Leather was specifically called out for its excellent durability and suitability for products designed with longevity in mind.

關於亞太區皮革展 ​



我們主辦多個專注時尚及生活潮流的商貿展覽會, 為這不斷變化的行業,提供最全面的買家及參展商服務,方便他們了解急速轉變的行業環境,並預測來季趨勢。

