26 October 2023

LVMH unveils House of Distinguished Professions about “vegan leather”


LVMH recently presented a project to create the Maison des Métiers d’Excellence (House of Distinguished Professions) in Paris. It will be a showcase of LVMH Group houses’ expertise and a training space for artisans and the general public. Report by Leatherbiz.

According to Le Figaro, the main building will have model rooms for advanced classes and courses in leather goods, tailoring or jewellery on the first two floors, while the third floor will be dedicated to theoretical and practical training for the group’s artisans. The last level will be the library.

In a press release, Chantal Gimberly, the Director of Human Resources and Synergies at LVMH, stated that their Distinguished Careers Program has made LVMH one of the largest knowledge transfer ecosystems in the world. To match this ambition, they needed a physical location.

The Maison des Métiers d’Excellence is set to open at the end of 2025 and will be located at 8 Bayard Street.

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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