16 August 2023

One 4 Leather - Nothing is wasted

The cattle used to make automotive leather are bred to supply meat to the food industry providing an excellent source of high-quality protein, with the whole cow being used for something. Cowhides provide the farmer with a revenue of between 1% – 2% of the value of the cow from the hide, a by-product of the meat industry.

During the upcycling of the hides into beautiful, luxury automotive leather, there are many co-products produced that are commonly used in many other industries, such as collagen, protein, gelatine and tallow, ensuring we maximise the use and create minimal waste.

Any remaining fats, trimmings and shavings are not discarded and used in either energy production or transformed into organic fertilisers put back into the farming community.

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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