23 June 2023

One of the most widely held beliefs about leather remains the most fundamentally incorrect one. 99% of global leather production comes from livestock – defining this leather a by-product of the meat industry.



Farmers do not raise livestock for leather and on average hides and skins represent less than 4% of the overall value of the animal. Many people just do not realize that limiting leather consumption has absolutely no impact on production of meat and dairy for the food industry. Further, disposal of these hides and skins creates its own environmental impact issues and also requires the manufacture of alternative, often fossil-fuel based synthetic alternatives.


For more detail, please visit Leather Naturally’s FAQs

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



我们主办多个专注时尚及生活潮流的商贸展览会, 为这不断变化的行业,提供最全面的买家及参展商服务,方便他们了解急速转变的行业环境,并预测来季趋势。

