12 December 2022

Brazil’s Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) has released the report “Brazil Agribusiness Projections 2021/2022 to 2031/2032”, in which it forecasts the performance of various agricultural sectors for the next ten years, including the meat industry.



The categories of meat that are projected to show the highest growth rates in the coming decade are chicken with 2.4%, pork with 2.4% and beef with 1.3% per year.

In the case of the beef sector, Brazil is slated to produce 9.68 million tons of beef, a growth of 14.9% compared to 8.42 million tons produced in 2022. This will also mean an increase in hides for the leather industry.

Bovine meat consumption is predicted to grow at 0.6% per year for the coming years. At the same time, estimates project a favourable scenario for Brazilian exports.

By 2032, Brazil could export 4.0 million tons of beef, one million more than the 2.97 million tons projected for 2022.

关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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