22 October 2021

Italy - Ambitious goals for 2022 IULTCS Eurocongress

The third edition of IULTCS Eurocongress, which will take place in Vicenza from September 18-22, 2022, is beginning to take shape, reports ILM.



The event, which will be titled “Rinascimento: The Next Leather Generation” has ambitious goals for bringing the industry together to discuss the latest advancements and innovations, from new developments in tanning chemicals to innovative proposals for wastewater treatment and sludge management.


Attendees have until February 28, 2022, to send abstracts of their work into the organisers, after which the Scientific and Technical Committee of Eurocongress will evaluate them decide which should be included in the event.


You can register for the event now by heading to the Eurocongress website  

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