9 September 2024

Tibetan Yaks enrich the Soil and help preserve the Environment

Francis Tsang writes on LinkedIn: Our talk is about Tibetan Yaks (Bos grunniens) play a significant role in the ecological balance and socio-economic life of the Tibetan Plateau. While they are not directly involved in combating climate change, their management and the practices surrounding them can contribute to mitigating and adapting to its impacts.


Tibetan Yaks can help maintain the health of the grasslands through grazing practices. Managed grazing can prevent overgrazing, which in turn helps preserve vegetation cover. Healthy grasslands act as carbon sinks, storing carbon from the atmosphere.

Tibetan Yak manure enriches the soil, promoting plant growth and increasing soil organic matter, which in turn contributes to carbon sequestration.


关于亚太区皮革展 ​



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